A $175 value! Increase your session time to allow for more styling options, a second location, or to further maximize our time together.
By adding 30 minutes to your session, you’ll raise your final image count by 25%. This significant boost in image delivery will provide you with a lengthy gallery full of gorgeous photos to enjoy.
A $175 value! Increase your session time to allow for more styling options, a second location, or to further maximize our time together.
By adding 30 minutes to your session, you’ll raise your final image count by 25%. This significant boost in image delivery will provide you with a lengthy gallery full of gorgeous photos to enjoy.
This agreement is between Play With The World, Shannon Kaiser (The Coach) and YOUR NAME (The Coachee) for the purposes of outlining the terms and conditions for coaching with Play With The World.
By taking on The Coach, The Coachee is representing herself/himself as a competent, effective individual who is fully able to make her/his own personal and business decisions and choices, including decisions and choices The Coachee may make as a result of this coaching process. The Coachee represents herself/himself or her company as being able to operate fully, freely, and responsibly for all of the Coachee’s personal and business decisions and actions.
By confirming to this agreement, The Coachee is agreeing that any actions she/he or her/his company takes as a result of The Coach’s input, coaching, speaking, training or development are The Coachee’s actions and The Coachee’s actions alone. The Coachee alone is responsible completely and fully for the outcomes, results and any liabilities that arise from taking those actions. The Coachee waives all claims of any type whatsoever that The Coachee may have against The Coach arising out of or in connection with any claims or lawsuits against The Coachee or liabilities or damages of any sort incurred by The Coachee related to any actions The Coachee takes or decisions The Coachee makes as a result of The Coach’s input, coaching, speaking, training, books or development.
The Coachee understands that all material presented in the coaching process are copyrighted or licensed by Play With The World/The Coach. The Coachee promises that any notes The Coachee takes will be for the The Coachee’s personal and professional use only. The Coachee will not resell any of the coaching distinctions and material without the prior written consent of The Coach. Furthermore, The Coachee will not attempt to coach other individuals by using the principles and methodologies employed in the coaching relationship without the prior written consent of The Coach. With that said, Shannon Kaiser believes great ideas should be shared and inspiration comes from the Universe. If you are moved to share your insights, inspiration and aha moments with others please openly do so, but just share you learned it from Shannon Kaiser. The more we spread the happy the better as far as your Coach is concerned.
When The Coachee seeks the advice of the The Coach, it will stay between The Coachee and The Coach. The Coach will not disclose personal information to others ever. All input provided to The Coach in the session and via the worksheets will remain private and confidentially. Your privacy is 100% respected.
The Coach has the right and should she choose to share examples of progress as an uplifting story and inspiration to help others (in books, articles, lectures workshops) all names, location and personal information will be void as to protect the persons privacy (unless asked for permission) and they will not the recognized in the example, you will stay anonymous.
Cancellation Policy:
I understand that plans change and ask that you please give me at least 24 hours notice if you need to cancel, so we can offer your visit time to another client seeking support in their wellness journey.
Please be advised that canceling sessions is not recommended, but Shannon understands some events are out of our daily control and life happens. Should you need to cancel your planned appointment, please use the online scheduler to cancel at least 24 hours before your session, and please reschedule your session within seven days, one week of the cancellation date.
Please Communicate: If you reach out to Shannon ahead of time, you will not be charged for the first missed appointment. However if you miss more than one appointment, without communication you will lose that session and not be refunded nor will you be able to make up the missed appointment. In case of illness or family emergencies, please communicate with Shannon if you need to put your sessions on hold. The sessions are not refundable but you can defer them up to 3 years.
From the time of purchase you will have 6 months to start your sessions. They won’t expire if you communicate with Shannon, but all sessions will expire 365 days after payment is received if you are inactive in the calendar system. If you communicate with Shannon you can roll the sessions over into the next year. It is best to use your sessions bi-weekly or monthly. If something comes up and you need to put your sessions on hold please email Shannon at [email protected] to arrange a feasible plan.
Due to the nature of this business, all Coaching/Mentoring Programs are a non-refundable on promotion period investments unless stated otherwise. (If you signed up with a promotion code or during promotion period no refunds will be given.)
Money Back Guarantee: If you paid in full (not during a promotion) and after the first session you don’t find value you will get money back (minus coach time and session used). In order to receive money back coachee must reach out to coach Shannon via email to explain your hesitations within 48 hours of the first session, you will then be asked to do the activities and homework and give the process your full effort and send to the coach for review within one week of the first session. If the coaching program is not a right fit after this, you may request a refund. Note: Not applicable if bonus materials have been sent out and received. Refund not applicable if more than two weeks have passed since first coach session and no communication with Shannon has been applied. And not applicable if client enrolled during a promotion. In case of illness or family emergencies, please communicate with Shannon if you need to put your sessions on hold. The sessions are not refundable but you can defer them up to 3 years.
LATE POLICY: Please feel free to call coach Shannon on her coach line or email if you are running late to an appointment, or for assistance in accessing the video calls.If you are more than 10 minutes late for a session or 10 minutes late for any visit, Coach Shannon may work with you to reschedule your visit. We want to ensure that there is sufficient time for all visits to be beneficial.
If you choose a payment plan, you enter into the agreement that you will pay all payments and agree to terms of services. You are required by law to complete your payment plan, even if the sessions have been used or not. We reserve the right to seek recovery of monies remaining unpaid. Shannon Kaiser LLC may take action may be applied to collect unpaid sums.
By paying for or accepting a coaching session you agree that the messages you receive are not a substitute for treatment from a licensed medical, psychological, legal or financial professionals. Shannon provides no guarantees, warranties and is not responsible for any interpretations, decisions made or actions taken by clients.
Shannon Kaiser LLC and PlayWithTheWorld.com services and all programs follow federal civil rights laws. We do not discriminate based on race, color, national origin, age, disability, gender, gender identity, sex or sexual orientation.
Please note: By accepting you will be prompted to the homepage of www.playwiththeworld.com.